Monday, September 7, 2015

Challenges of Serving in Love

This summer at Pico Escondido was a whirlwind. Summers always are, but this more than most. We completed two major construction projects this spring and summer, including our new pool, which we did in under two months. That, plus lots of work teams and local groups in June and early July meant that by the beginning of outreach camps on July 9th the Pico Escondido team was already worn out. Our local ministry team (Vida Joven) had projected having six camps of about 135 kids and leaders plus 30-35 assigned team and work crew. Sounded great. 

We knew that we would have some new challenges. First, we hosted the first ever Latin America Family Camp for families in the US who wanted to take their kids on an international service experience and learn more about Young Life's ministry in Latin America. This would be sandwiched between two outreach camps, which generally run Thursday to Sunday. We also knew that the sixth outreach camp (one more than last year) instead of occurring at the end of the summer would also be sandwiched between other camps. We had planned for these events. Yet when all was said and done, instead of averaging 135 kids and leaders, we averaged 184. The biggest week we had 260 people in camp. We have 185 permanent beds, so this makes for some operational challenges, especially since we never knew how many kids would show up until a couple of hours before they arrived! And in the end, over 1100 kids and leaders attended camp. This was 60% more than our previous high.

I was generally very proud of how our team took on these challenges. They understand that youth ministry, especially in a culture like the DR, is one of many surprises. More importantly, they understand that we are all part of one body in Christ, striving toward the same goal. That means that Vida Joven's focus is reaching out to and loving kids around the country, regardless of whether the kids are responsible in signing up for camp on time. That means it is very hard to tell a kid he can't go to camp because he is late when you know how badly he needs this camp and to be confronted with the Gospel. It also means that Vida Joven needs people like our camp staff - people who may be less gifted at discipling kids, but who are great at handling the logistics and administrative details of camps. 

In 1 Corinthians 12, it says: "Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body." This is followed up in chapter 13 about different ways we try to serve, recognizing that love is the thing that gives value to all the rest. So for our camp staff, we could have the best camp in the world and we could be amazing organizers and planners, but if we don't bathe it all in love, we are a clanging cymbal. Love never fails. This summer, we were not perfect at loving, but thank you Pico staff and volunteers for having this focus!

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