Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Why I Think I'm Becoming A Toddler

For years we've known that whenever a group of women live together, eventually, their periods will get in sync - which makes it for a really fun time when everyone in the house is PMSing together. I was unaware of this reality since I grew up surrounded by boys, but after four years of dorm life in college and five years with roommates, I can say that this has proven to be true.

I have been living in close proximity to a toddler for the last ten months, and as I take a close look at my daily life, I think I am becoming one. Here's an honest look at the striking similarities I find between my 21-month-old and my 34-year-old self.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Sixty Lessons I Learned From My mother (Part 3)

I've been wanting to continue writing these, but I just haven't set the time aside to do it. Truth is, it's hard to write these lessons, even though I have them already on a notebook. They remind me of mom. I sit in front of the computer, reminiscing of times long gone, and wishing she could now see the new memories I get to make in the life she equipped me to a large extent to live. But, here are (finally!) the next ten lessons. Hopefully I'll be able to deliver the next ones without too much time in between.  

Friday, May 16, 2014

Pico Project Update

One of our goals at Pico Escondido is to continually improve it. From the start, we have invited work teams from the US to come help us make Pico Escondido and excellent place for meet Jesus and grow in their faith. Each year we identify our top priorities for projects, and those projects that have enough tasks that are appropriate for volunteers we complete with work teams as we are able. It is fun to see progress, not only for Pico staff, but for the volunteers who have worked on these projects and people who regularly come to Pico. This Spring I was speaking with the director of a Christian school in Santo Domingo that has multiple retreats at Pico every year. He told me that one of the reasons he loves coming to Pico is that while many facilities he has visited steadily degrade year after year, Pico continues to steadily improve. Below I will paste some sequences of pictures of projects from this year to show how they have progressed. We had 173 work team participants in the March and April, two small teams last week and next week, and then we will have about 150 more people come in June. Most of the projects we started in March we hope to finish between now and the end of June to once again present a "new and improved" Pico Escondido to five weeks of outreach camp participants in July and August. Stay tuned for more pictures.

Enramada (Dining Hall) Improvements
Starting demo work to make way for new roof columns

Wall Going Up

Roof Columns Going In

Siding Being Prepped

Siding Being Installed

Almost Done!

Parking Area Improvements

Clearing and digging first footer

Starting walls

Blockwork done and base coat of stucco on


First Aid Hut
Old Rock Work Removed

Walls Started, Sidewalk being Repaired

Walls Almost Done

Walls Done, Ready for Roof Forms

Giant Swing Gazebo
Benches Getting Installed

Benches Sanded

Benches Stained

Door Installed
Thanks to all who worked on these projects!