Thursday, October 31, 2013

Growth Camps vs Fundraising

In the Fall each year Pico Escondido hosts Campamentos de Crecimiento - "Growth Camps". The purpose of these is to be a follow-up experience for all those kids who made commitments to Christ during summer outreach camps. Pico has groups at camp almost every weekend throughout the year now, and we try to give each group excellent service, yet our primary focus is on providing a place for Vida Joven (Young Life's direct ministry in the Dominican Republic) to minister to teenagers. Unfortunately for me, I will not be able to be present this year.

As a North American, I am not to be a financial burden on the local ministry. This means that I must fundraise in the US to cover my salary and benefits. Since I had to be at the Young Life Camping Summit in VA November 4-8, and a prohibition on women traveling in the last month of their pregnancies (our baby is due December 27th), we decided that we needed to be in the US from November 1-25. This means I will miss all three growth camps and the YL International Schools outreach camp. Fortunately we have a great staff at Pico who will serve our field ministry well in those activities.

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