Saturday, July 13, 2013

Week 1, Day 3

Role Play
Today was a good day. I got to start my day with David, then go for a mountain bike ride, do a little gardening, lunch with my family, then go to camp at 1:00. Not a bad start to a Saturday. I think the kids at camp had it better. After a big breakfast they went to role play. This is where different assigned team members play different types of teenagers in a question and answer time that helps kids process many of the big questions and roadblocks they often use to not seriously consider life with Christ. After that, there was free time and cabin activities (challenge course, climbing wall, and giant swing). In the afternoon there were basketball and volleyball tournaments. While they were having fun, our work crew and staff were preparing a feast for them and decorating our dining hall for our special dinner (think about Thanksgiving dinner and add a Dominican twist, and you will be pretty close, except kids get way more dressed up than my family on Turkey day).
Work Crew kids dressed to serve the special dinner

After dinner, kids went to club to hear the final club talk, in which they are told about the solution to sin - Jesus' sacrifice for us. At the close of club, they are given 15 minutes to go off on their own to consider a life with Christ. Many kids accept Christ as their savior during these minutes. Others do so in the "cabin time" afterward, in which they can discuss things with their friends and counselors. They are in cabin time right now. One final surprise awaits them tonight: a bonfire with the best hot chocolate in the universe.

Time for bed!

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