Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jarabacoa Field Ministry Update

Spring is here, and with it comes charm and newness, and the rain. I've enjoyed the rainy days in Jarabacoa, since they remind me of home, and I want to enjoy each "cooler" day before the inevitable hot summer arrives.  For our kids at Vida Joven, this time of the year specially brings a mix of things - the excitement that school will be over very soon, the dread of national academic exams, and the anticipated summer camps. 

Club in Jarabacoa - Pinar Quemado neighborhood
Each year, we all get excited and start wondering "who will be coming to camp this year?" And this year there is quite the uproar about it. Over the last year, we have been challenged as a country (and region) to embrace a vision called double-double. This means that we're praying and seeking to meet and introduce to Christ twice as many teenagers in the next three years, and then double that again in the three years after that. The amount of stories and reasons and kids we know who need to come and know their Savior is too large and obvious to ignore. Rafa, the national director, challenged all of us to not stop and go after every teenager. This has had an impact on the way we see and do ministry in various ways.

During our first meeting in January, we studied how many teenagers there were in Jarabacoa and how many we were reaching with one club. After praying for guidance, we decided to start a new club in town. Rebeca was chosen to be in charge of opening the new club in an area that encompasses three different neighborhoods, including the one where we live. One of the leaders and two of the kids in training also volunteered to come along to start the new club. Luis, 24, is on student staff at Pico. Yeuri, 16, and Jose Abad, 18, have both been in Roy's Bible study for about three years. And so, we've been meeting to pray together and also started to get to know kids in the neighborhoods. Also, we've been joined by Aldo who is on staff, and he and his wife recently moved to Jarabacoa. Also, Licelott (who you may remember from our Christmas newsletter) has recently joined our team. After training camp this year, everyone seems to have gotten the encouragement and vision to go after their lost friends. It is really exciting to see kids who are growing in their faith realize that they also want their friends to experience the love and life that Christ gives. They have all been faithful in coming to planning meetings, Bible studies, and training, and are all looking forward to being able to either start being a leader to some of their friends or helping out any way they can.

Camping with Jarabacoa Leaders
Along with the excitement of a new club, it's been fun to prepare to invite new friends to outreach camps this year. As I mentioned, we're looking to double our numbers but not just for the sake of numbers - because we all know plenty of young friends who are missing out on the abundant life. So, once again, we received the challenge of bringing more kids this summer than ever before. Last Sunday, we started our spring training for those who want to be ready to come as a leader. Last year, when I made the invitation of who wanted to start training, Nathalie, Jose Luis, and Jeffrey answered and they came as cabin leaders with a total of 14 kids. Last week's first session started with 19 kids who want to learn and get ready to bring their friends. What an answer to prayer! We've been praying Matthew 9:38 over and over again, and these have been kids who have been involved in Pinar Quemado club for a while now, and are faithfully answering God calling them out. As Licelott said, "after training camp, I finally understand. I just want my friends to come and know Jesus." This is such an exciting moment, and I was humbled as I took names and realized that in my lack of vision, I had only ordered 10 books for the training. So, please be praying for Sami, Yamilka, Nathalie, Yessica, Dayana, Esttheffanie, Jose Abad, Jose Luis, Luis, Yeral, Jeffrey, Cristian, Noemí, WIlmi, Yeury, Edward, Winifer, Licelott and Kilsi as they go through eight weeks of learning and growing about how to be disciples and disciplers. And we get to be part of this movement of the Holy Spirit because of friends like you who pray for us and support us. We're indeed grateful for your lives.

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