We got home a week ago on Sunday, after being two months in the United States. We had an amazing time seeing friends and family (more on that on the days to come...). After dropping all our bags in, I left to do some grocery shopping to get the basics for the next couple days. When I was in town, I met with my brother and he came to the store with me. As we were walking around, he noticed that the store had limes. He was excited to see limes. He said, "you can't find them anywhere and they're so expensive right now!"
I didn't think too much about it, other than making a mental note of "don't expect to find limes then." A few days later, I was reading Psalms 37, and I noticed verse 19: "In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty."
What a nice promise, I thought... and for a while just sat there wondering how this could even be possible. How does the Lord do that? What does that look like?
The day progressed, our friend Yudi came to watch the kids, and she was carrying a large black plastic bag. It was full of limes! She told me how there's a tree in her house and she has way too many!
Nowhere to be found, and too expensive... by the handful in my pantry for free!
We got home, hit the ground running, started getting ready to start the weeks of camp ahead of us, but we continue being amazed at how the Lord takes care of us!