Work at Pico Escondido
Spring 2016
One of my favorite quotes about Pico Escondido was told to me by a friend who runs Logos Christian School in Santo Domingo. He said "Most camps in the Dominican Republic get worse every time I go, but Pico Escondido just keeps getting better". They have been bringing students every year for over ten years now. One of the reasons Pico keeps improving is our work team program, in which volunteers from the US come for for a week or so and help both at camp and in different Vida Joven (Young Life) direct ministry areas. That enables us to do a lot more than we would otherwise be able to do.Our main projects this Spring have been to make the main entrance to camp more functional and attractive, improve the pool area, and create a hiking trail to the upper corner of our property. Below are some of our favorite photos of our volunteers working on these projects. They are organized by project, with a brief description of each project.
Camp Entrance Improvements
The number of people coming to Pico has increased, and most groups prefer to unload in front of our camp office. Yet the sidewalk was not made to handle 100 people getting off buses at the same time. It was only wide enough for one person to walk. So this year we are widening the sidewalk to enable large groups to transition more smoothly. There are also nice slate benches that are nearing completion. These details combined with bathrooms that are accessible from the outside of our offices and finishing the wall along the road in front of camp are combining to make for a much more welcoming arrival for groups.
Pool Area Improvements
We built our pool itself in the Spring of 2015 with a very limited budget. This year we are doing significant projects to improve safety, usability, and comfort. Includes bathrooms, fence around pool, and a gazebo and rooftop terrace overlooking the pool and playing field.We have gotten rave reviews so far.
Trail to the top of camp
This was a result of a request from our field staff. They wanted a trail as an additional activity they could do with kids at camp. As of the beginning of April, we have completed the trail itself and flat areas at the top. Work teams progressed far faster than we expected. Thanks, Spring work teams! The trail makes a loop and in most parts is wide enough for two people to walk side by side. It begins and ends at our challenge course.